Gaming and Marketing v.1
It's impossible to explain creativity. It's like asking a bird, 'How do you fly?' You just do.
Creativity is something that extends to the widest of the horizons and goes down till the deepest of the seas. It’s a state of act which expresses a certain emotion with a touch of ideas. Various advertising agencies and commercial productions have been using the art of creativity to impose an image of the particular commodity in the minds of an enormous audience. Creative branding and advertising has been appreciated by the audience for years. Such make the advertisement and the products stand out and have an ‘edge’ over competitions. As marketers, you are supposed to have a touch with creativity and the edge to express a specific emotion in terms of advertisement.
Video game industry is one such sector which is solely based on the concept of creativity. From being the plumber trying to save a princess back in the Nintendo to being Nico Bellic of the recent GTA game on the playstation. Experiencing the different playing styles, over the years, millions of video games have been created on various platforms. There have been a few games though which have dominated their own fields and made a terrific gaming and playing experience. They have displayed sheer excellence and a certain form of addiction and name amongst the gamer industry. Few examples would be the Call of Duty Series, Need for Speed, FIFA, GTA etc. Although each game faces tons of competition amongst themselves.
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